How to ignore Maven build erros due to JavaDoc with Java 8

Java 8 is a bit more strict in JavaDoc parsing. This can lead to build failures in Maven when building the repo with warnings like:

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:2.7:jar (attach-javadocs) on project [projectname]: MavenReportException: Error while creating archive:
Exit code: 1 - [path-to-file]:[linenumber]: warning: no description for @param

Sure, the good solution would be to fix the JavaDocs. But in cases where you just clone a foreign repo, you probably just want to get it run and not start fixing it.

To ignore the erros, just turn off doclint by adding the following <configuration> tag to your pom.xml:

            <configuration> <!-- add this to disable checking -->

Some more solutions can be found in this StackOverflow thread.

2 thoughts on “How to ignore Maven build erros due to JavaDoc with Java 8”

  1. nope, this seems to be ignored by maven. No any difference. javadoc plugin still complaining about perfectly fine javadoc generated by eclipse…

    looks like apache now decided to have their own rules how code comments should look like

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