20 Years of OpenStreetMap, 14 Years of Contribution and counting

Happy Birthday OpenStreetMap!

“In just twenty years, OpenStreetMap grew from a small UK-based mapping project into the largest crowdsourced and crowd-worked geospatial project of all time.” [Happy Birthday OpenStreetMap – Celebrating 20 Years]

I can’t even remember how I came across one of the best projects that we have. But I am super happy that Steve Coast started it, and that I decided to join.

I just checked and saw in my profile that I registered at 2010-04-30. But I do remember that I never wanted to contribute to GoogleMaps but contribute to a true OpenData project.

Continue reading 20 Years of OpenStreetMap, 14 Years of Contribution and counting

The 3 pillars of transformation & change

You can talk a lot about agility and transformation etc. – I believe there are 3 basic pillars and EVERYONE can contribute to “change”:

  • People who dare to speak up
  • People who listen to it
  • People who are willing to change

Those three tings alone are already a turbo for many small things that are simply super boring in the masses.

But also the other way round: if one of the three points is missing, save the energy – it won’t be successful.

The bonus is public praise for everyone involved in the project (project participants != only project managers) – but let’s start with the basics πŸ˜‰

Social Media Platforms vs Entertainment Platforms?

I often like to listen / read when someone tells about his or her experience on different social media platforms. And when it comes to Mastodon, I’ve noticed a recurring theme: Many users describe how other social networks fill their timelines with entertaining or funny content and that they were missing this in the beginning of their “Mastodon-experience”.

And at some point I thought by myself: “Wait wait wait – Are we still talking about social networks?” Is it the purpose of a social network to keep me entertained? I mean – this isn’t the expectation from my real-world-social-network, is it?

Continue reading Social Media Platforms vs Entertainment Platforms?

Why do I feel triggered when Managers talk about AI?

I still don’t know why it triggers me so much when managers talk about “(Gen)AI” with such fascination. Maybe because I get the feeling that they tell themselves that IT problems will magically disappear?

But … what does ChatGPT say … the AI for sure must know (*cough*)

Continue reading Why do I feel triggered when Managers talk about AI?

How to: Migrate from Outlook.com to GMail / Fix connected accounts

Microsoft / Outlook.com have silently removed connected accounts from outlook.com on July 1st, 2024.

TL;DR: Connected accounts are gone and cannot be fixed πŸ™

I only got aware of it as some people told me that my eMails were marked as “unverified sender” on their side. And indeed, eMails were suddenly sent via the outlook email server. Before I sent the mails through the SMTP server of my hosting provider.

Continue reading How to: Migrate from Outlook.com to GMail / Fix connected accounts

Your Company Blog needs RSS! Really

In the last couple of weeks it happened repeatedly that I wanted to follow a company’s blog – just to see that they have a blog but no RSS feed!

It’s surprising and a bit disheartening to see companies investing time in writing / maintaining a blog without providing an RSS feed – even though any proper content management system would provide the functionality.

Continue reading Your Company Blog needs RSS! Really

Mastodon is how the Web should be: OPEN

TL;DR: just add “.rss” to a mastodon profile or tags or user-tags to get an RSS stream! My photography profile @hikingdude@mastodon.social for example can easily be followed by an RSS Reader by following https://mastodon.social/@hikingdude.rss.

No account required! And that’s not even the end! 🤯

Continue reading Mastodon is how the Web should be: OPEN