How to fix: Windows 10 store fails to update or hangs during download / update

For a couple of days I saw some pending updates in my Windows 10 store that didn’t seem to install or download. The downloads were either in progress or done but none of them installed. Restarting the downloads didn’t help either.

Some quick research came up with all kinds of Powershell and registry hacks. Quite weird. Then I remembered about a recent issue that I had with Windows 8.1 which was solved by simply disconnecting the Microsoft account and reconnecting it after a restart. And it worked!

Dead easy


  • Go to account settings: Hit the Windows Key, type “Account” (german: Konto)
  • Disconnect from your Microsoft account
  • reboot (optional – I didn’t try without reboot)
  • Reconnect to the Microsoft account
  • Open the Store and do the update


The Java7 bug … does it really affect you?

I was really happy about Java7 being finally delivered by Oracle – and really disappointed that there are 3 severe bugs that can either crash the JVM (ok, bad but – well) or produce wrong results silently (ohoh!). To excuse Oracle – the bugs were found very short before the release so they had no time to fix it – okay, really bad luck. Well – I don’t have Java 7 in production now, so I’m fine.

But as there’s so much fuss about it I dug a bit into the topic: The three evil bugs are the bugs with ID 7070134, 7044738 and 7068051.
All three bugs are in the states: Fix-Available and Fix-Delivered. So we just need to wait for the next Java update, right?

Wait: But all three bugs are “only” concerning the server VM. Of course, this is bad for the people who want to use Java 7 on their server right now. But if you just work on the client side and don’t use the server VM – well then you just don’t have to care about it.

Topics related to the bug: