Recently I realized that there are certain topics in my news / RSS feed that I ALWAYS scroll over. I’m just not interested in them. Like news about certain brands, manufacturer or products. I wondered, if there is no easy way to simply NOT see them in my feed. I mean I filter by only looking at keywords in the title. Really super simple.
Continue reading How to filter / hide / ignore News in an RSS feedTag: PHP
Drupal shows warnings after migrating to new server
Recently we migrated a Drupal managed website to a new server. – Everything was fine, just on some pages, some php-warnings showed up that did not show up on the original site.
After some investigation I checked php’s error_reporting setting and realized that the settings of the new new server were more sensitive than the old one.
The solution was pretty simple. As I definately didn’t want to start hacking around in Drupal, I just turned off showing the errors to the user:
Administer > Site configuration > Error reporting
(or in german:) Verwalten > Einstellungen > Error reporting
Error Reporting: Write errors to the log (instead: Write errors to the log and to the screen).
Pretty easy.