8 Years in my Current Company

At the beginning of the month, a colleague reminded me that I had been with the company for 8 years now! A little anniversary! I reflected about the past years when at the same time a recruiter message reached me, what my motivation would be to “leave my comfort zone“.

Before being here, I changed jobs about every 2 years. The team was always great – super lovely people that I still miss, but I felt like I couldn’t improve anymore, I felt stuck and I felt like I wasn’t adding value to the company any more – and I then did the necessary steps.

It was the first time I joined a larger corporation. And obviously something was different here – otherwise I wouldn’t have stayed so long, right? So I started reflecting what I did all those years long. Was it worth staying? Am I, perhaps, settling into a comfort zone?

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Audio and Video Quality in Online Meetings DOES matter

We’ve all been there – endless online meetings, squinting at grainy screens, wondering if our colleagues are even awake. Seriously, how many online meeting does it take to realize that audio and video quality matter more than we want to admit?

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Why do I feel triggered when Managers talk about AI?

I still don’t know why it triggers me so much when managers talk about “(Gen)AI” with such fascination. Maybe because I get the feeling that they tell themselves that IT problems will magically disappear?

But … what does ChatGPT say … the AI for sure must know (*cough*)

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